Influenza vaccination: What does the scientific proof say?
Alberto Donzelli, Daniele Agostini, Paolo Bellavite, Adriano Cattaneo, Piergiorgio Duca, Eugenio Serravalle
The best current scientific proof suggests abandoning the idea of obligatory vaccination, and waiting to further extend this vaccination, until new valid, pragmatic research, independent of commercial interests, comes up with evidence-based answers to the many open questions.
Read MoreCould it be more harmful than useful to vaccinate indiscriminately elderly people, pregnant women, children and health workers?
Influenza vaccination: What does the scientific proof say?
Alberto Donzelli, Daniele Agostini, Paolo Bellavite, Adriano Cattaneo, Piergiorgio Duca, Eugenio Serravalle
The best current scientific proof suggests abandoning the idea of obligatory vaccination, and waiting to further extend this vaccination, until new valid, pragmatic research, independent of commercial interests, comes up with evidence-based answers to the many open questions.
Read MoreCould it be more harmful than useful to vaccinate indiscriminately elderly people, pregnant women, children and health workers?
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