Free Download – Introduction to the issue
Alberto StefanaFREE DOWNLOADPURCHASE THE WHOLE ISSUE Introduction to the issue
Alberto StefanaFREE DOWNLOADPURCHASE THE WHOLE ISSUE Introduction to the issue
Franco Baldoni Key words: father, preterm birth, affective perinatal disorders, nicu, family care Most studies of reactions to a preterm birth have involved mothers, but the emotional responses and behaviors…
Federica Genova, Erica Neri, Francesca Agostini Keywords: prematurity, mothers, perinatal depression, early interactions, infants’ development A premature birth can result in increased vulnerability to mental health problems for parents, in…
Carla Candelori, Carmen Trumello, Alessandra Babore Key words: parenthood, mothers of premature infants, psychological support, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, clinical interview, mothers’ anxiety and defences This article aims to explore…
Romana Negri, Alberto Stefana Key words: neonatal death, parents, grief, neonatal intensive care Neonatal death is not an uncommon occurrence (18 deaths per 1,000 live births) and it constitutes a…
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