The author queries about the meaning of meeting the Other, beginning by the platonic question: what is a Thing? In the end the question can be inverted: it is not the human being that asks what is a Thing, but it is the Thing that asks the human being who he/she is. His answer is a Thing’s translation in the language of the conscience, but the translation leaves unconscious a part of it, a difference. Modern technology’s supremacy dictates the end of the unconscious difference and, therefore, the inutility to attribute a meaning to it. So the anxiety generated from the Thing remains fluctuating, and influences the human being himself. The myth of Narcissus is a sign of a failed meeting, where the cancellation of the Other, promotes the repeat of the Same, that overlaps with his face up to the point of killing life. When Narcissus opposed to Eco, he cancelled the unconscious difference, that is the Other which gives an erratic aspect to the existence. Life is a search for the Other, for the face that I look at and that, at the same time, look at me.[:]
Category: No 2 - June - 2011
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