This article deals with the issue of the identity construction in twins, analyzing key contributions published nationally and internationally on this subject. It specifically refers to the psychodynamic model, with particular attention to the analysis of relational inter-twins dynamics in the Life Cycle and their impact on the development of identity. To this end, the analysis of the process of separation-individuation and attachment theory are particularly suitable for the understanding of the twin paradigm (Bernier 2006). A first aim of this study is to analyze the peculiarities of the twin condition, with particular attention to the process of structuring and transformation of the twin relationship over time and close relationships in multiples. In particular, the specificity of the dyadic relationship, with its strengths and critical elements, are emphasized. Therefore, it deals the theme of the development of social skills in monozygotic and dizygotic twins, connecting it to the level of interdependence experienced within the twin dyad. The following section of the article is dedicated to the well-being in the twin population. At the conclusion of the discussion, we try to highlight how the twin paradigm permits an in-depth analysis of relational dynamics and development processes in singletons.
Category: No 3 - September - 2013
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