The paper intends to delve deeper into the theme of complexity in the constructivism proposed by Bruno Bara. The main cornerstone of the development of the Author thought was the creative and ingenious approach to the constructivist theme: the original conceptual systematization was oriented towards the clinical field, especially in the in-depth study of the emotional and bodily issues of the patient and of the role of the therapist, allowing us to accompany the reader in discovering those relational modalities that are the crucial point of the psychotherapeutic relationship. Thus complexity, seen as research into complex thinking, allows us to strive for multidimensional thinking, broadening knowledge instead of reducing it, to allow even antinomic aspects of reality to coexist. In this way a true Science of Relationship is outlined: one that is read from the inside, not from the outside.
Hence the spillover on teaching, where the apprentice therapist will find a path waiting for him that is not so much and only based on knowing how to operate but above all on knowing how to be.
Key words: constructivism, complex systems theory, therapeutic relationship, teaching
DOI: 10.36131/COGNCL20240203