Free download – Introduction
Alfio Maggiolini Introduction to Siegfried Bernfeld BUY THE ARTICLEBUY THE WHOLE ISSUE
Siegfried Bernfeld Key words: Interpretation, unconscious, symbolic translation The present article gives a theoretical – not clinical – definition of the interpretation. The psychoanalytic interpretation is different from other interpretations…
Key words: genetic interpretation, interpretative act, construction and reconstruction The contribution is an exercise in ‘close reading’ of the essay written by Siegfried Bernfeld in 1932 and it aims at…
Alfio Maggiolini Key words: interpretation, psychoanalytic tecnique, affective meaning According to psychoanalysis, interpretation does not entail looking for hidden intents, even less it is a symbolic translation (Bernfeld 1932); it…
Paul L. Wachtel Key words: interpretation, corrective emotional experience, insight The interpretation and the corrective emotional experience are complementary therapeutic factors. The effectiveness of the interpretation relies hugely on the…
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