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Key words: relational psychoanalysis; qualitative research; grounded theory analysis; coding; theoretical saturation; sensitizing concepts Relational Psychoanalytic Theory, a post-modern American model that emerged in the 1980’s, has reworked historical Freudian…
Key words: relational psychoanalysis, empirical research in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy The relational psychoanalysis lives a season of critical developments and careful reflections, from both its protagonists and authors who place…
Key words: subjectivity, trauma, subjectuality, Self, authenticity This paper focuses on the relationship between subjectivity, authenticity and the building of what I call our “subjectuality”, meant as the perception of…
Key words: somatoform dissociation, hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, somatic marker hypothesis, relational psychoanalysis, intersubjective desomatization, psychosomatic The dysfunctional somatic patterns, that patients experience in psychotherapy and for whom they often ask…
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