Key words: dream, thought, psychoanalytic field, relationship, object
Assuming that the dream dimension is a function of the creative and transformative thought and expression of the analytic field, the author, through the use of two clinical examples, tells how the psychological work of dreaming can represent the main scenario in which to find the relationship of the patient with his own internal objects, as well as the evolution of the patient’s ability to “use” the object. Through the analysis of the use of the object in the dreamlike script, the dream in fact subsequently becomes a relational space of bi-personal transformation within which the interpretative possibilities can be declined. Therefore, the dream becomes a central space for communication and transformation of/in the relational field of analysis, constituting a resource of which therapist and patient have access to new meanings and configurations, thanks to the movements activated by the psychological experience of dreaming and using “together” the objects that populate the intrapsychic and interpersonal world of the patient.