The presence of states dissociative, especially in patients which suffer of affective disease has received always poor attention in the literature of the last decades (Mula et al. 2008). The significant studies who put in correlation the dissociative states, meant in the sense of the “ divided self “ with the affective syndromes are still rarer. The dissociation and the schizoid personality are considered according to the hypothesis of Winnicott (1965) and Laing (1959). We consider the affective disease, referring to the description of the “maniac world” of Binswanger (1933). We describe a clinical case of a young 33 years old woman, in which the dissociative state in the schizoid personality appears as acute maniac state. We do not take as a reference the diagnostic categories of DSM-IV-TR (Andreoli et al. 2002), and make reference to the criticism developed by many psychoanalists and psychiatrists to psychodynamic orientation (Wilson 1993) (Akhtar 1987). However have also observed the affective state gravity and the schizoid personality through tools psychodiagnostic, wide use what: Brief Psychiatric Rating stairs (BPRS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) and Rorschach. In conclusion working at history and at the observation of the patient one formulated the hypothesis the mania represents the expression of a schizoid dissociative state.[:]
Category: No 1 - March - 2012
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