Building upon the central assumptions of narrative theory, namely that psychotherapeutic change entails some form of self-narrative transformation, the Innovative Moments Coding System provides a systematic and reliable method for the identification of novelties emerging in psychotherapy sessions, which we call innovative moments (IMs). These innovative moments emerge in psychotherapy and disrupt the dominance of the problematic self-narratives that brought the client to therapy, thus allowing the development of change and the (re) construction of a new self-narrative. After describing this coding system, we present a model of psychotherapeutic change and a model of therapeutic stability grounded on the empirical results obtained until now. From here we explore a central question, centered on a particular type of innovative moments (reconceptualization) that appears associated to successful psychotherapy: Which processes block the development of innovative moments from the middle of the therapy to the end, particularly the emergence of reconceptualization?
Category: No 4 - December - 2013
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