The diagnostic in psychiatry represents a fundamental methodological passage if it doesn’t answer to the observation rules of phenomenology. In such situation, the symptom is the expression of a private world, anonimous for the observer “a frozen core of time”, a kind of encystation of emotional facts (and defense mechanisms) which remains outside the evolutionary process and the real context, it is destined to repeat some manners in a compulsory way aimed to avoid the danger and the perception of the mental disease; to forget, deny, protect the first matrix of the suffering. The episthemological model which considers the symptom as a way of communication brings all the expressive abilities of the symptom itself to an extreme being and becomes a “derivate” to be understood and to be referred to, as an answer to what had deeply provoked it. The reevaluation of the symptomatic test allows, in the follow up of the psychological relation, the individuation of those knots which have prevented the normal evolutionary process and which oppose the reality affecting it or distorting it and disturbing the affectiv rational and adaptive modalities.[:]
Category: No 3 - September - 2008
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