In this work, the emotional and cerebral development of the individual is treated as a complex process, within which genetic and experiential factors interact; equal focus is given to these factors as is through the interactions of both that the human brain achieves full maturity. The recent literature on neuroscientific findings has allowed to understand further which are the mechanisms that play the most important role in the human brain. In particular, this recent work has pointed out the importance of precocious experiences of emotional syntonization between the baby and its development partners; the quality of the experiences that such partners will be able to provide will configure not only the pathway of cerebral growth of the infant, but also its ability to regulate its emotional states. From an evolutionary-relational point of view, the ability to regulate the internal states is of vital importance for an emotionally intense life of the individual. The possibility of an individual to auto-regulate is strictly dependent on its attachment experiences, which in turn will strongly influence the development of the cerebral structures that determine the emotional control. Thus, attachment relationships appear to be a critical factor for the development and functional differentiation of the most important cerebral structures of our emotional and relational life.[:]
Category: No 3 - September - 2008
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