Objective: The work experience often allows the users of psychiatric Services to improve their well-being. Their work rehabilitation can follow the train and place approach or the place and train approach. They differ for the use of preliminary programs or stages for the patient. The study, involving 10 patients recruited at the Department of Mental Health of Legnano Hospital, aimed to determine any change in a group of psychiatric patients who had been followed for one year of work rehabilitation. It also tries to show whether a useful interaction between public (Hospital) and private (Social Cooperative) is possible. Method: A multitool assessment included both a clinical assessment interview and the administration of LSP, ABI, SAT-P and the Working Skills Index (SAL). Referring to this latest instrument, especially designed for this study and attached in Appendix, reliability and validity data are provided. Results: All users showed a positive trend, especially in the first six months after the work rehabilitation start, with a significant improvement at the Working Skills Index scores (SAL). In the same period of time their dedication is supported by the good correlation between Presence and Productivity Index and the significant effects on their satisfaction level is showed by SAT-P. Conclusions: Despite the low number of subjects, the results allow to outline a very useful way of working with the users of psychiatric Service affected by Psychotic Disorders. The train and place approach gave good results and was useful in favouriting the interaction between public (Hospital) and private (Social Cooperative).[:]
Category: No 2 - June - 2011
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