Key words: performance, public mental health, care domain, budget, MOBB
Object. This work starts from the observation and comparison of good national and international practices regarding structure, process and outcome indicators’ individuation in the mental health field. Moreover, it suggests a way to insert in Budget Tool clinical criteria. This would allow the monitoring of processes and interventions in a closer way to the Mental Health Public Trust’s (Italian DSM) operational reality by using indicators linked to the epidemiological data warehouse of the national New Information System for Health (Italian NSIS) for Mental Health (Italian SISM).
Methods. By applying innovative observation and studying methods of the health phenomena related to Mental Health, a Balanced Operating Budget Model (MOBB) is proposed among the 8 dimensions of performance linked to mental health services and to the 4 perspectives referable to the Balanced Score Card model and taken from a main context, the one referred by the central Italy Public Trust (Abruzzo, Italy).
Results. Indicators derivable from SISM’s data warehouse are useful for analysis and reporting. However, comparing some USL budget sheets of a central Italy business (Abruzzo, Italy), it showed the same gestation and control tools not to be in use.
Conclusion. In order to improve the quality of the offered service, to optimise the receivable results and to govern the available intervention on the region, the MOBB, extrapolated from a pilot observation, which presents the appearance of an innovative tool with immediate applicability in the gestation, operation and organization of the Italian DSM.